L&A Presents at 2023 AIChE Spring Meeting
L&A presented two case-study papers at the AIChE Spring 2023 meeting in the “Process Control and Optimization” tracks. The papers covered the application of the DELTUM controller on a[maxbutton id=”12″ url=”http://linandassociates.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/56a-Upstream-Tank-Battery-Pressure-Management-using-PLC-based-MPC.pdf” text=”56a Upstream Tank Battery Pressure Management using PLC based MPC” window=”new” is_download=”true” ] and an [maxbutton id=”12″ url=”http://linandassociates.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/2023-AIChE-Spring-Meeting-91b-Heater-Pass-Balancing-using-MPC-on-a-Redundant-DCS-Node.pdf” text=”91b Heater Pass Balancing using MPC on a Redundant DCS Node 1″ window=”new” is_download=”true” ] . Both presentations were well attended with great audience questions for the presenters about controller implementation and performance. Common technical highlights from both presentations include:
- Rapid implementation of multivariable control without a step-test.
- Edge-level implementation of the controller program in redundant hardware with high-frequency controller execution.
- High level of operator acceptance with essentially no need for controller maintenance.
Additionally, the Heater Pass Balancing presentation called out the “tool gap” concept, and the Bad-Actor-Loop metric as a way to measure and manage advanced control that is akin to the operator alarms/hour metric.